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Beautiful interior design

with collection GRAFFITI

Beautiful interior design with collection GRAFFITI.

The source of inspiration for the new collection of Kerama Marazzi ceramic tiles is the center of world fashion – Milan. The new collection of Kerama Marazzi "MILANO" is not just a display of ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles and mosaics, but a whole story told through ceramics․ The new collection reflects vivid experiments. Tiles in brick-sized format paved the way for the imagination of Kerama Marazzi designers: this is a popular "metro" format: 9.9x20 or 7.4x15. Bold graffiti drawings in this format look lively and fresh, filling the interior with the spirit of street art.

In Milan, flamboyant graffiti are not a purely street-art feature found in the newly-built districts – you can see them in art galleries too. This is where street art took its rightful place alongside traditional genres of painting. One of the most well-known street art venues is ''Hangar Bicocca'', which until recently served as a warehouse of the ''Pirelli'' concern.

Here is beautiful interior design with collection GRAFFITI.